Truth – The Final Word

We humans think we have it all figured out until, when we die, Truth meets us at the door of eternity and says, “You should have listened to me.”

Todd Beal

About Todd Beal

I love truth and its facts. I love thought-provoking conversations that give both the other person and me a better understanding of a particular topic. I love to find answers to life-long questions; answers that let me see things for what they are instead of what they seem to be. I truly enjoy being in the midst of a group of people where all individuals are joining in, where everybody is enjoying the company of each other. I relax in the company of individuals who are competent yet humble. I like to catch myself doing or saying something ridiculous and then laugh my head off. I enjoy my church and being involved.
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12 Responses to Truth – The Final Word

  1. Yes Amen, even the Bema-Seat will be interesting for us Believers!


    • Todd Beal says:

      I agree. I found a very thorough article on the Bema-Seat (the Believers awards determination by Jesus) here at “The Doctrine of Rewards: The Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ”.


      • Indeed for me, the Bema-Seat is much more than a time of so-called rewards (though it has that), but it is also a time of our whole Christian inventory, and only the Lord can give this light! And surely a tear or two on our part! What perhaps could have been in the better light and obedience of the Lord? Indeed the Christian life itself does have our-own sense of responsibility and freedom, even within the doctrine of election! “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24)


        • Todd Beal says:

          So would you say it will essentially be a judging review session with Christ? Would you say ‘consequences’ will be involved; and if so, what form might they take?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes, it will be in some very real sense a “purgation” (NOT a Purgatory of course), but personal reward for faithfulness, and loss! But from the most very loving-hand of all in “Christ Jesus” – The Risen & Ascended Lord… the Mediator!


            • This will be in some sense our final “Glorification” before, with and in the Lord of Glory! 🙂


            • Todd Beal says:

              | But from the most very loving-hand of all in “Christ Jesus” – The Risen & Ascended Lord… the Mediator! |

              What a great and most humbling statement, Fr. Robert. Thank you very much for this.


            • Todd Beal says:

              | This will be in some sense our final “Glorification” before, with and in the Lord of Glory! |

              I get a very solidified sense from this. Thanks for putting this into understandable words.


            • Todd: What blessed people we Elect/Chosen Christians are…All of grace & glory! 🙂 “And they that are with HIM are called, and chosen, and faithful.” (Rev. 17: 14)
              “The four and twenty elders fall down before HIM that sat on the throne, and worship HIM that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they were created.” (Rev. 4: 10-11)

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Our search for truth is long and difficult. We have been programmed from birth to avoid truth. Jesus tells us the truth and we read the Scripture and we try our best not to see what he is saying because we have been taught that truth is error.

    So we try to see the truth and we fight our own resistance to the truth. It is called Cognitive Dissonance. We come upon the truth and terrible mental confusion and physical feelings of sickness overcome us and we revert back to the easy way of going along to get along.

    One day we can’t avoid the truth any longer. One day we look at the world and realize that what Jesus of Nazareth says is true and we suddenly see the truth. It is so difficult to overcome our worldly training but once we see the truth, we cannot go back to the lie.

    One truth leads to another and our old world disintegrates and our new world takes form.

    Suddenly all Scripture takes on new meaning and what we read goes to an entirely new depth.

    Our eyes open, our ears hear and we stop limping and begin to walk in the truth.

    The light shines in our mind, our heart becomes flesh and not stone and we begin to understand what Jesus was telling us about who we are and what we must do.

    We become who we were brought into this world to be a little more every day and we walk more and more in truth and light and love.

    This is our journey. We are maturing in Christ. It is difficult beyond anything we imagined, but it is so wonderful to discover that the Truth really does set us free.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Todd Beal says:

    Elizabeth, thank you! I consider your words as this post’s exposition (elaboration). Well said.


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