20/20 Vision – Sometimes It Takes Time

Life isn’t always as it seems. Sometimes we must take a step back, and only then will we see what happened “back then” to understand it now.

Todd Beal

About Todd Beal

I love truth and its facts. I love thought-provoking conversations that give both the other person and me a better understanding of a particular topic. I love to find answers to life-long questions; answers that let me see things for what they are instead of what they seem to be. I truly enjoy being in the midst of a group of people where all individuals are joining in, where everybody is enjoying the company of each other. I relax in the company of individuals who are competent yet humble. I like to catch myself doing or saying something ridiculous and then laugh my head off. I enjoy my church and being involved.
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8 Responses to 20/20 Vision – Sometimes It Takes Time

  1. Amen! Lord give us your humility (to some degree), as we walk through this fallen, broken world, but thankfully ‘In Christ’ for some of us by your grace & glory!


  2. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I think of some of the “worst” times of my life and can thank God for them, because with hindsight I can see they were indeed times of great blessings and times of maturing growth.

    Now, when things seem difficult to understand, my attention is (should be) focused on my loving heavenly Father, knowing that He loves me with an everlasting love, wants the very best for me and has promised to be with me and undertake for me in all situations. He has never failed me and He never will.


    • Todd Beal says:

      I have found the same thing to be true in my own life, Angela. It is, often, the difficult times that shape me, and provide the greatest life meaning.


  3. Diane Beal says:

    20/20 Vision is so true! This vision will also provide strength and hope as we face the next ‘event’ in life.


    • Todd Beal says:

      Absolutely. And that is why I believe it is so important to view those difficult times as a good thing, especially when we are directly experiencing them.


  4. Eliezer Vazquez says:

    I agree with what you are saying here. The adage “Only now at the end, do you understand” comes to mind. Although it isn’t exactly the end of anything but the principal is what resonates. You deal with many hardships in life and you never really understand them until you have time to reflect back. You delve deeper into what the ordeal meant and what you gained in the process.


    • Todd Beal says:


      | You deal with many hardships in life and you never really understand them until you have time to reflect back. You delve deeper into what the ordeal meant and what you gained in the process.|

      Yes, exactly. And we also glean an increasingly multifaceted understanding of our past experiences, over time, as personal growth (and consequently, our mindset) continues to facilitate deeper, purer insight.


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